About Us

About Shia Muslim Council of Australia

SMCA was formed in 2024 to bring together organisations within the Shia Muslim community to work in a coordinated manner towards shared goals, and to have a coordinated and unified representation to the government and media.

Its main charitable purpose is to advance education, religion, culture, social and public welfare and to promote and protect human rights by:

  • Instilling in the community a mindset to invest in Australia and allow it to flourish to its independent potential;
  • Supporting the community in attaining a vision of a long-term, multi-generational citizenship of Australia;
  • Supporting the community in being able to fully practice their faith;
  • Supporting the community in responding to discrimination and empower them to use established legal channels to address all instances of discrimination;
  • Supporting the community in being able to express their views freely with the bounds of legal constraint; and to have a voice commensurate with the size of their population in Australia;
  • Coordinating and supporting effective defence (legal, media and political) against threats to the community’s practices, faith, institutions, education, expression, equality of opportunity, movement, travel, prosperity, the preservation of wealth, and other rights that come with citizenship; and

Its tasks include:

  • Providing education to the Shia Muslim community about issues that may impact their ability to practice their faith in Australia and provide avenues to address these issues.
  • Communicate with the government, media and other relevant bodies to advocate for the rights of the Shia Muslim community and voice their concerns with regards to matters relating to their faith and ability to practice their faith.
  • Engage with the relevant bodies and organisations to prepare legal and other submissions, and raise national awareness on the introduction laws on religious vilification, Islamophobic behaviour and hate.
  • Encourage the Shia Muslim community to get involved with political matters at a state and federal level.
  • Assist Muslim women with relevant issues affecting them including but not limited to education, employment and leadership roles, physical and mental health matters and violence against women.

Members and Directors​

The SMCA is formed by member organisations. The member organisations are Shia Muslim mosques, Islamic centres, schools and other organisations providing faith-based services at a physical location, whose purpose is in line with the purpose of SMCA. The SMCA has 36 members from 8 states and territories.

The register of members can be downloaded here: SMCA Member Organisations

The member organisations elected directors who are responsible for the running of the organisation. Directors serve for a term of two years. The current directors are:

  • Dr Ali Alsamail
  • Sr Julie Karaki
  • Dr Aus Hmud

Governance and Constitution​

You can download the organisation’s constitution here.